Are you Psychic?

Are you psychic?  Some people may have the gift but do you? Do you find yourself already knowing the outcome of a decision before you even make it?  Do you not follow certain paths because of the result you” know” will happen if you do?  Can you guess what I am thinking right now?

THIS WEEKS QUESTION:  If you answered no, that you are in fact NOT a physic, then why are you leading your life-like you know whats going to happen before it does?

Do any of these scenarios apply to you:

Well if I apply for that job I know I will not get it because there are other people who have more experience than me, so you don’t go for it and maybe apply for something less desirable.

You see a guy/girl across the room that just makes you swoon (yes, I said swoon!) and instead of approaching him/her you say well why bother I know I am out of their league or I will have nothing to say, etc.  So you never go over.

I want to go back to school but at this age it will take me X amount of time and cost X amount of dollars and I know it will not be worth it.

I want to do X Y and Z but I know with society today or the way the economy is going, it will not work out for me.

So you say you’re not psychic,  yet if you find yourself making similar statements,  then you are in fact predicting your own fate without really knowing the true results.

So In fact your supposed “known outcome” just becomes a missed opportunity.

How many missed opportunities have you had because you allowed your obstacles or fears of what Might happen, get in your way.  Yes, there are times when making a big choice,  that it is important to go over “possible” outcomes in weighing your decision.  However, not at the expense that you are missing out on life.

Risk is scary at times but without it you may not be getting that dream job, partner or life you actually want.

If this is something you do, then ask yourself  “why am I really shutting this idea down”?  Do I really Know that it won’t work out or is it my fears, mis trust, feelings of being wrong, rejected, that are standing in my way.  If you can face the Real reason for the “knowing” there is tremendous opportunity for growth in your life and more willingness to go after your dreams.

WEEKLY TIP:  When talking about your goals, dreams or even your daily decisions notice if you find yourself saying ” I KNOW”  this will happen and really take a look at where the thought is coming from. Physic abilities or inner conflicts?



Being Right.  Most of us would say, it feels o so good to be right.  I mean when you are right you are not wrong. When you are right its like a slam dunk, an “I told you so”.  Yes that’s me ” Mr. Right” ,want an autograph?   It can feel stimulating, powerful, and freeing.  It can also at that moment, make you feel better than the other person, stronger, and smarter.  Even when it is a matter of knowing the correct turn to make to get to the market.  It is just there, a need to be right and a damn good feeling when you are.

THIS WEEKS QUESTION: Do you have a strong need to be right and what is it costing you?

So how did being right become a power trip?  It seems like when we stop taking time to validate ourselves we find other ways to feel worthy and validated, like being right. There are simple ways to be right like, knowing the answer to a trivia question, or which way is east or who Melly Johnson kissed in the fourth grade.  But…

What about the deeper issues that you may not notice you like to be right about.

Do you always find that you can not trust anyone, because no matter what they disappoint you?

Do you never have any extra money and wonder why?

Are you still overweight even though you tried every diet?

Still stuck in the same career because you can not find yourself?

Something else?

What if I told you, that history keeps repeating itself, that you may not have more money, job, love, trust because somewhere in your life something happened.  Like, you were left, hurt, told you were not worthy.  An event happened that left you with a feeling that told you people are dishonest, it’s too scary to fulfill my passion.  Whatever it is that you decided then, you continually attract in your life.  You may not even be aware of this.

On some subconscious level you get to be right every time someone disappoints you, you get to be right every time a diet fails, you get to be right when you are down to your last dollar again, you get to be right right right!

This kind of being right is costing you value in your life!

WEEKLY TIP:  Ask yourself what are you really getting out of being right and is it hurting yourself or others? Take notice, is there a repeating pattern in your life?  Think back to where it started and what you decided about your self then.  Release the need to be right all the time in order to accept new and better results.


Keeping Your Word!

Do you make promises to yourself or to others  that you never keep?  Do you leave people waiting because your always late?  How many times have you made the same New Years Eve Resolution and never kept it?

Piles of broken promises and never-ending I’ll do it tomorrows.

THIS WEEKS QUESTION:  How to we stick to our word?


Too often do we just say what comes out of our mouths before we even think about it.  Someone asks us to do something, we just say YES.  Only to later realize your plate is already full.  Someone asks you to be somewhere at a certain time, you say YES.  Only to realize you squeezed too much into your day and you will be late  to everything.


Most of us have full schedules these days.  Work, School, Kids, Housework, Appointments and sometimes we keep yesing ourselves  into more.   Being Honest with yourself is showing how much you value yourself.  So before you say tomorrow I will do A, B, C and D.  Really think about it and be sure you have the time, space and energy to get it done.  If you know that you can only do A and B, then just do A and B.  Also, being honest with others, shows them how much you value them.  When you tell your kids this weekend we will do this, I will spend time with you tonight.  Yet, you are always saying sorry next time.  Also canceling social dates with family friends, spouses?  VALUE YOURSELF AND OTHERS.  Only commit with what you can do.   Two quality hours with your kids is so much better than 3 broken playdates.   The same goes for your other family and friends.  If you stop over booking yourself you don’t get to be hard on yourself for all the things you didn’t get done.


When you know you are about to say no to something you already said you do, push through it and do it anyway.  Tell yourself I value myself and the results I get in my life so I will finish my checklist.  Make others feel good about how important they are to you when you show up on time, stick to your play dates and intimate dinners.  Practice, Practice, Practice keeping your WORD!

WEEKLY TIP:  Stop and think before you say yes to something.  Don’t overbook.   Remember Quality not quantity.



I am in the business of helping people Create and Achieve meaningful, fulfilling Goals.  There are many obstacles that get in people’s way.  The most obstacles comes from the way they think about their goal.

I tell people all the time” start thinking positive, write down affirmations, visualize, believe”.  They come back to me, days, weeks later saying, “I tried” and bad things keep happening. “I did what you said” and I still didn’t get my goal.

THIS WEEKS QUESTION:  What does it take to change?


Perseverance is: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Key word: STEADY!

I ask you this question?  How long have you been overweight? In the same dead-end job? Have the same negative thoughts that all men suck? I am not good enough? I will never have enough money? Whatever it may be for you.

If the answers is months, even years.  Do you think it will only take days to fix this?  Some of us have spent a lifetime in negative thought patterns.  You have to be patient with yourself.

You have to be WILLING to put out the same amount of energy into the outcome you want.

You have to spend time Re-Programing your thoughts to push past the obstacles.  Some change can come immediately, although most times it takes daily practice.

WEEKLY TIP:  Remember that you are the Star Actor in your own Production, so RE-WRITE the Script to Lead the Life you want to be Living!!